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The following terms apply to the website at ("Website") operated by Pro Pharmaceuticals Group Pty Ltd (ACN 605 457 430) and its related bodies corporate ("ProPG", "Us", "Our" or "We"). By using the Website You accept these terms. If You do not accept these terms, You must cease using the Website immediately.
In addition to these Website Terms of Use, your purchase and/or use of certain goods or services that we supply is/will be subject to specific terms. The specific terms take priority over these Website Terms of Use to the extent of any inconsistency.

Website content

We have used reasonable efforts to make sure that the information and other content on the Website, accessible via the Website or sent to You by Us, including lists of products that may be available for supply through Us and their corresponding prices (collectively “Content”) is accurate, complete and up to date. Nevertheless, We do not guarantee that the Content is accurate, definitive, reliable, complete or up-to-date, and We do not accept responsibility for any loss suffered by You or any other person as a result of reliance by You or that person on the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of any of the Content.

Intellectual property rights

Your use of the Website does not give rise to any assignment, acquisition, transfer or conveyance of any kind whatsoever of any intellectual property rights in the Content. You may only download to a local hard disk or print extracts from the Content if, and to the extent that, You have been expressly authorised to do so by Us. Any other download, reproduction, distribution, re-transmission or modification of the Content, whether in electronic or hard copy form, without Our written consent, is prohibited.

Linked sites

We do not own or have rights in respect of the copyright in any content on any website that is accessible from the Website by a hypertext link or links (“Linked Site”). Your use of any Linked Site and any content on any Linked Site is governed by the terms of the Linked Site. Some of the Content, and products, logos, technology and processes accessible via, or incorporated in, the Website may be protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights owned by third parties. You have no right to use any of those intellectual property rights except as expressly authorised by Us. We do not have any responsibility, and we accept no liability, for content on any Linked Site. We do not endorse or approve of, nor do We accept any responsibility or liability for, any of that content or any product or service accessible through, or offered on, any Linked Site.

Liability and complying with laws

To the maximum extent permitted by law, We exclude all liability to You (whether in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise) for any loss, damage, or expense (including special, indirect or consequential loss, loss of profit or revenue, loss of use, legal costs and defence or settlement costs) that You or any other person incurs arising directly or indirectly out of or referable to material on this Website or any Linked Site. Our liability for a breach of a condition or warranty implied by law or otherwise, and which cannot be excluded, is limited to the maximum extent allowable under the relevant laws.
You must comply with all laws in relation to Your access or use of Content on this Website, including laws of the country in which You reside or from which You access this Website.

No Hacking

You must not attempt to or succeed in copying, decompiling or disassembling, reverse engineering, hacking, discovering or accessing any source code related to the Website (“Hacking”), in whole or in part. You must notify us immediately if You become aware of any Hacking of the Website.
You acknowledge that any Hacking of the Website would cause significant harm to Our business which could not be calculated by damages alone, and that the award of other legal and equitable remedies such as specific performance would be required in addition to monetary damages to adequately compensate Us for any Hacking of the Website by You or any other person. You fully indemnify Us and hold Us harmless against any liability incurred as a result of any Hacking of the Website by You or by Your officers, employees, contractors, associates, affiliates or agents.


If any of these terms are found to be void, unlawful or unenforceable, they will be deemed to be severed from these terms to the extent of their invalidity, illegality and/or unenforceability only and the remainder of the terms will remain in full force and effect.
These terms and Your use of this Website are governed by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia. Any rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved by Us.

We may change to these terms from time to time. We are not required to notify You of any such change, but We encourage You to revisit and review these terms from time to time.

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